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Applications for mobile devices

SniffConnect and SniffScience Mobile for Sniff Controller Air are available for Android and iPhone.


SniffScience Mobile 


SniffScience for Desktop (Windows)

Version 1.0.6, compatible with Windows10, 11

SniffScience for Desktop  (macOS)

Version 1.0.6, compatible with macOS 13

SniffConnect for Desktop (Windows)

Version 1.0.3 compatible with Windows10, 11

SniffConnect for Desktop (macOS)

Version 1.0.3, compatible with macOS 13

Desktop software

Dear Mac users, SniffScience 1.0.6 has a problem with Intel-chip macs. If you use an M1 mac or later, it will work fine. Older Macs will currently fail to identify the device. We are working to solve this ASAP, and apologize for any inconvenience

Video guides

User manuals

User-contributed software

Sniff Logic aims to create a community of users.
Here you will find software contributed by users for public free use. Sniff Logic LTD is not responsible in any way for this software. Use at your own discretion. If you want to contribute software, contact us.

Sniff Controller Air SDK (MATLAB)

Sniff Controller Basic SDK (MATLAB)

Sniff Controller Air SDK (Python)

Sniff Controller Basic SDK (Python)

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