Product name: Sniff Controller Basic Bundle
Current Model: SCB1
Who is this product for: Individuals with Disability and Scientists
What is this product for:
In disability: It allows the user to blow in and out of their nose in order to generate signals
and text
In science: It allows measurement of respiratory airflow
What does it come with: The Sniff Controller Basic Bundle comes with:
1. A Sniff Controller Basic device
2. A super-soft USB A-to-C cable
3. A super-soft silicone nasal pressure probe (PP1)
4. 1m and 2m silicone extension cords
5. A carrying case
What else will I need in order to use this:
A computer, desktop or laptop, with a USB-A port.
Use: In disability, use the SniffConnect software in order to establish communication in
severe disability. Users can blow in and out of their nose in order to select icons or write
text and sound it via computer generated voice. In research, use the SniffScience software
in order to visualize, analyze, and save respiratory data.
Electrical properties:
Input: 5V, Input Current Max. 100 mA
Output: Serial
What else might I want:
For disability, this is all that you need.
For research, you may want additional pressure probes for independent users, you may
want a Science Brick to export the signal, and you may want a calibration tool in order to
better calibrate the output units.
What else should I know:
The Sniff Controller Basic is most likely the smallest, lightest and cheapest assistive
technology (AAC) device in the world