Product name: Nasal-Oral Pressure Probe
Current Model: PP2
Who is this product for: Scientists
What is this product for: The Nasal-Oral pressure probe transfers the airflow signal from the
nose and mouth to the device.
What does it come with: Nothing else.
What else will I need in order to use this:
A Sniff Logic acquisition device, either Sniff Controller Basic or Sniff Controller Air
Use: Wear it under your nose and in front of your mouth, and plug it into the Sniff
Controller, either directly, or via extension cord.
Physical dimensions:
Length: 45cm
Diameter: OD = 3mm, ID = 1.5mm
What else might I want: If you are a scientist who will be studying many different users with
a common device, you might prefer the filtered version of the pressure probes, as these
protect from cross-contamination across users.
What else should I know: The PP2 is made out of pure silicone only. It is very soft and very
comfortable, and can easily last for 6 months of daily use.